Monica Henry
I have three sons and one fantastic husband. I love coffee, a great book, and the opportunity to travel.
I have three sons and one fantastic husband. I love coffee, a great book, and the opportunity to travel.
I love everything that Christian Unified stands for and feel truly fortunate for the opportunity He has given me to work for such an amazing school! It allows me to provide students with the foundation for a love of learning and, most importantly, a love of God.
As an alumna of Christian Unified, I know the value of Christian education. I appreciate the opportunity to openly weave faith into learning, and teach children about Jesus.
I work for Christian Unified to build up strong, kind, enduring, and patient laborers of Christ.
I choose to be an educator at CUSSD because I believe in honing a child in a holistic approach whose foundation is the word of God. It gives me pure joy knowing that I can use my God-given talents and skills in an institution where God is lifted high!
Mary Flor Dela Cruz Read More »
I graduated from CHS in 1992 and still remember the impact that many of the teachers had in my life. In fact, one of my teachers (Miss Wagner) was the reason I made a career in science.
I believe in the life-changing, foundation-forming power of Christian education and LOVE that I get to be a light and an encouragement to our students.
I work at Christian Unified to teach children the exciting news of Jesus.—to equip and inspire them to live their lives for the Lord and to tell others all about Him.
I have loved being part of the Christian Unified Family as a parent and volunteer for the last 11 years. I’m thankful for the opportunity to work at a place that has invested so much in our family.
I attended Christian Unified from fourth grade through high school and believe firmly in its mission. It is an amazing place where the Lord is at work. I consider it a blessing and honor to work there.
Christian Unified is a school District centered around Jesus. It gives me great joy to educate students and teach them the Gospel.
Advanced Theatre delivered a stellar rendition of Our Town by Thornton Wilder. Our Town is a 1938 drama revolving around the town of Grover’s Corners from the years of 1901-1913. It deals with themes of loss, the value of enjoying the little time in life one has, and the importance of making a legacy that can echo throughout the ages.
Our Town: Embracing Legacy and Life Read More »
After a long fourteen months of excitement and anticipation, Christian High’s pool is finally open! Back in October of 2022, renovation for the new and improved pool began. Prior to this renovation, the pool only had five lanes which created issues as our swim team began to expand. However, with the addition of three more lanes, our school is now able to host a 37-person team to compete this season.
Swimming Toward Success Read More »