Amy Gray

Lindsey Ziegler

I love everything that Christian Unified stands for and feel truly fortunate for the opportunity He has given me to work for such an amazing school! It allows me to provide students with the foundation for a love of learning and, most importantly, a love of God.

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Swimming Toward Success

After a long fourteen months of excitement and anticipation, Christian High’s pool is finally open! Back in October of 2022, renovation for the new and improved pool began. Prior to this renovation, the pool only had five lanes which created issues as our swim team began to expand. However, with the addition of three more lanes, our school is now able to host a 37-person team to compete this season.

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It is with sadness that we share that the co-founder of our school district, Dr. Beverly LaHaye, passed away on Sunday, April 14. She was 94 years old.

Beverly was a faithful follower of Jesus Christ all the days of her life, and God used her in extraordinary ways to make a difference in the world around her. Along with her husband Dr. Tim LaHaye, she worked to establish Christian Unified Schools at a time when Christian education was in its infancy. She had a vision to meet the need for God-honoring curriculum and teachers who modeled Christlikeness to the students in their care, and she worked tirelessly to that end.

In addition to her influence on our school district, Beverly was also the author of many books, the founder of Concerned Women for America, and a beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She was a faithful and treasured member of Shadow Mountain Community Church, where she was honored recently during the GirlTime women’s event. As the audience stood to applaud, Beverly pointed upward, giving all of the glory to the God she served.



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