Recognizing the preeminence of Christ, partnering with parents, Christian Unified Schools of San Diego teaches students to think, learn, and live from a Biblical worldview by integrating God and His Word as the primary source of knowledge and truth.
The Bible itself, as the inspired, inerrant, plenary, and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind, is the sole and final source of all that we believe. For purposes of CUSSD’s faith, doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, Shadow Mountain Community Church is CUSSD’s final interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning and application.
Christian Unified Schools of San Diego believes that Jesus Christ is the Truth (John 14:6) and in Him as revealed in God’s Word, lives can be sanctified (John 17:17) and set apart to glorify God (I Corinthians 6:20). In accordance with the Articles of Faith and Practice (attached), CUSSD seeks to integrate faith with life and learning from a Biblical point of view by providing a coherent academic foundation within a consistent method of thinking, which includes the concepts that all people are:

We expect our students to be:
- Influential Christians
- Investigative Learners
- Perceptive Thinkers
- Effective Communicators
- Quality Producers
- Responsible Citizens
core values
- Teaching students to attain their full potential in God.
- Teaching students self-government under God.
- Teaching students to commit themselves fully to God.
- Teaching students in partnership with parents, faculty, and the local church.
- Teaching students to think, learn, and live as effective Christian people.
Christian Unified Schools of San Diego (CUSSD) is an outreach of and sponsored by Shadow Mountain Community Church (SMCC). The thirteen-member governing board of directors is composed of SMCC members who have been elected by its membership at the annual meeting. The school is a separate 501(c) 3 organization, which is supported and protected by the overarching policies of SMCC.
We are accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), and California Interscholastic Federation (CIF).