tuition & Fees
INVESTING in eternity
An outstanding Christian education is a gift that guides a student toward a God-honoring life of excellence. Our goal is to maintain the cost of this education, ensuring it is both accessible and affordable. We provide a financial aid program to support families in making the Christian Unified Schools experience a reality.
TUITION & fees
APPLY FOR the TUITION grant program
Our desire is for every qualified student to have the opportunity to experience Christian Unified Schools. We understand that financing a Christian school education can be a real challenge for many families. So, we’re glad to offer tuition help based on the financial needs of the family. You can apply for this help each year through FACTS Grant and Aid.

Tuition includes all textbooks, local field trips and fees other than those listed in the tuition document.
Tuition and fees provide only a portion of the total cost required to educate a student at Christian Unified. CUSSD does not participate in student sales activities (i.e. candy sales), but does conduct fundraising campaigns (jog-a-thon, auction, Annual Fund) and asks that each family make contributions to the school as their circumstances allow. In addition to monetary gifts, many parents contribute time and resources to perform tasks that would otherwise result in increased expenses to CUSSD.