Talitha O.

Christian Unified Schools have a consistent and multi-generational legacy of excellence in providing education that is anchored in biblical standards. As someone who attended Christian Elementary School and later public schools and secular university, I can attest to the positive and lasting impact that biblical truth can form during early childhood. Through my early experience at Christian school, I feel that I was better equipped to meet personal challenges and ultimately choose to commit to my faith in Christ as a young adult.

I have also known many successful people over the years who have attended the schools and feel that they were positively impacted by their time there.

Christian Elementary East has been excellent for our son from kindergarten through second grade. The caring and competent staff have gone above and beyond to facilitate quality education throughout the pandemic. Within a couple days of the shutdown, they provided swift access to learning materials while the students were meeting online. When it became possible, they were one of the first schools to return full-time due to their tireless efforts to meet the necessary safety requirements for in-person instruction.

We are so grateful for their hard work! The administrative staff and teachers have demonstrated their desire to serve the students and families at this school. They continually practice the biblical principles that they teach to the students. Their strong work ethic, optimistic outlook, and consistently high standards during this difficult time are a blessing to all of us.


Rafid K.

What an amazing school! It starts with Pastor Jeremiah and the entire staff from K-12 to make this a great school for all three of my kids. They have an open-door policy and are always available to talk about any topic we may have about the daily changes young kids go through.


Melissa R.

A biblical school, with morals and values! They not only help in the education of our children, but the love they share does not go unnoticed! I couldn't speak more highly of this amazing staff! We have yet to experience a teacher who doesn't shine the light of the Lord and love on our children and families! I am beyond thankful for all the things Christian Unified embodies.


Megan K.

Christian Unified Schools is a great choice for academics, extra-curricular activities, and of course the atmosphere. The school is constantly striving for excellence in all these areas and has only improved since my alumni days. Christian Unified Schools has stood the test of time, and I am fortunate to be able to send my own children to the same school that so enriched my life. As a former public school teacher, I have had many friends question my reasons for choosing a private over a public school for my family. The simple answer comes down to the SMALL Christian community and loving staff that deeply impacts every student! Biblical worldview taught throughout each subject matter and even woven into the sports programs equip these kids for the world with a solid foundation of smarts, strength, and truth! You owe it to your kids to look into such a wonderful school that will prepare them for life!



It is with sadness that we share that the co-founder of our school district, Dr. Beverly LaHaye, passed away on Sunday, April 14. She was 94 years old.

Beverly was a faithful follower of Jesus Christ all the days of her life, and God used her in extraordinary ways to make a difference in the world around her. Along with her husband Dr. Tim LaHaye, she worked to establish Christian Unified Schools at a time when Christian education was in its infancy. She had a vision to meet the need for God-honoring curriculum and teachers who modeled Christlikeness to the students in their care, and she worked tirelessly to that end.

In addition to her influence on our school district, Beverly was also the author of many books, the founder of Concerned Women for America, and a beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She was a faithful and treasured member of Shadow Mountain Community Church, where she was honored recently during the GirlTime women’s event. As the audience stood to applaud, Beverly pointed upward, giving all of the glory to the God she served.



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