tk & Kindergarten
OUR youngest learners
TK and Kindergarten provide the necessary foundation for the spiritual, academic, and social development of each child. Children become learners through discovery and play and engage in a wide range of developmental activities that produce a life-long love of learning.
kindergarten curriculum
The purpose of our Transitional Kindergarten program is to provide families with an excellent environment that prepares their child for Kindergarten spiritually, mentally, and socially. Children must be four by September 1 and developmentally ready for a learning program, including following directions and enjoying a structured learning environment. TK is a good option for five-year-olds who are not yet ready for Kindergarten. TK observes the full-day school schedule, and students wear uniforms.
At Christian Elementary East, our TK programs are located in the Kids Ministry/Jr. High Building on lower campus. Kindergarten programs are located with First Grade across Greenfield Drive on our Junior Campus, with age-appropriate classroom and playground facilities and a walk-in drop-off system.
At Christian South, K4 classes provide four-year-olds and young five-year-olds the extra year of preparation they need before kindergarten.