Renée Chang


Band Director


Roles/Subjects Taught:
Jr. High Concert Bands, High School Marching Band, High School Concert Bands, Jazz Band

Life Verse:
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

Why do you work for Christian Unified?
My alma mater, Point Loma Nazarene University, plays an essential role in my testimony. Shortly after I left for college, my home church back in the Bay Area had gone through a change where I was no longer able to call the church home. God continued to love and provide for me at PLNU by surrounding me with supportive professors and peers to walk with me. That became a place I could call home.

After finishing my master’s program, I started my teaching journey as an elementary music teacher at a public school. During this time, I had doubted my own abilities, my career choice, and even my faith wondering why I was hating everything after working so hard for something I thought I was passionate about. After much prayer asking God to take me out of this field, the opportunity to work at a private Christian school, much like my university, appeared. As someone whose faith and confidence got hit pretty hard, I’d say being in a school similar to where I last felt the most present with Lord is right where He wants me.

God has continued to show me his love and blessings even through the deepest waters. Christian Unified is a place where I can unapologetically carry out my mission as a child of God and share my story so others can be inspired to do the same.

Interesting facts:
I love arts and crafts, stationery, hand-lettering, and customized gifts. My current hyper-fixation hobby is crocheting!
My first instruments are the piano and guzheng (a traditional Chinese instrument).
I was a traditional Chinese dancer for over 15 years and have been on TV and the Chinese newspaper.
My favorite show is Avatar: The Last Airbender. Someone please talk about it with me.
I love sharing hobbies and learning new ones!

Tracy, CA

B.A. Music Education, M.A. Teaching

Experience (Years Teaching):
Private piano, guzheng, and clarinet teacher since 2015. Classroom Music Teacher since 2022.

Years at CUSSD:
Since 2023


Choose from two great ways to learn more about our schools:

CAMPUS TOURS are scheduled throughout the school year and summer. Observe our environment and determine if Christian Unified is the right fit for your family.

At the junior and senior high school level, SHADOW DAYS are available throughout the school year. We recommend a Shadow Day for students going into 7th–12th grade. 


It is with sadness that we share that the co-founder of our school district, Dr. Beverly LaHaye, passed away on Sunday, April 14. She was 94 years old.

Beverly was a faithful follower of Jesus Christ all the days of her life, and God used her in extraordinary ways to make a difference in the world around her. Along with her husband Dr. Tim LaHaye, she worked to establish Christian Unified Schools at a time when Christian education was in its infancy. She had a vision to meet the need for God-honoring curriculum and teachers who modeled Christlikeness to the students in their care, and she worked tirelessly to that end.

In addition to her influence on our school district, Beverly was also the author of many books, the founder of Concerned Women for America, and a beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She was a faithful and treasured member of Shadow Mountain Community Church, where she was honored recently during the GirlTime women’s event. As the audience stood to applaud, Beverly pointed upward, giving all of the glory to the God she served.



research links & INformation

Web Research Links:

Grolier Online (includes Encyclopedia Americana)
User ID: christianhs
Password: patriot

EBSCO Host Research Databases – Full-text Periodical and Reference Articles Online
User ID: christianhs
Password: patriot2019!

SIRS Knowledge Source – Periodical articles online
User ID: CA3906
Password: PATRIOT

San Diego County Library Website
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